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What Type of Damage Can a Leaking Roof Cause


Updated: Aug 9, 2022

While a rainstorm has a calming effect on some people, those storms cause others to worry about the damage they might see around their homes. Storms can bring a lot of heavy rain along with high winds that tear off shingles and cause your roof to leak. While you might feel comfortable using a bucket to catch the water until you can call a roofer, you should always take care of a leaky roof as soon as possible. There are multiple types of damage that a leaking roof can cause, including some you might not notice right away.

● Insulation Damage

Most homes use some type of insulation to regulate the temperature inside. Your insulation is inside the walls of your house and around your roof. It traps the cool air inside when you run your AC on a hot day and keeps the heat from escaping on a cold day. No matter what type of insulation your home has, a leaking roof can damage it. The water that gets inside causes the insulation to clump and can even make it shift and move. Once this happens, you may need to remove and replace your old insulation.

● Mold and Mildew

Black mold is one of the most dangerous substances that can affect your home. Other types of mold can affect those who suffer from allergies or have breathing problems as can mildew. You may experience some symptoms without even seeing mold though. When your roof leaks, the water that gets inside can carry mold spores around your home and provide the perfect environment for them to grow. The mold will often grow inside the walls and affect you and your family before you see it growing in other spots. It doesn't take as long for the mold to spread as you might expect either.

● Ceiling Issues

One of the biggest warning signs you will see before a leak form is a bow in your ceiling. The rain finds its way through your roof and underlayment before it reaches your ceiling. While the ceiling can hold a small amount of water without any problems occurring, it will eventually need to find a place for the water to go. You'll notice that one or more areas of your ceiling appear bowed, which is a sign of excess water. The ceiling will eventually form cracks as the water breaks through. Those cracks can grow from tiny ones that are just a few inches long to cracks several feet long.

● Electrical Sparks

Many people do not realize that a leaking roof can increase their chances of experiencing a house fire. Water and electricity do not mix well, which is why you should call an Austin roofing company if you suspect you have a leak. The water that gets into your attic or second story can easily reach the electrical wiring of your home. You also risk the water getting inside the walls and reaching the wiring there. When the water and electrical wiring touch, you may see some sparks shooting out from your walls. If you leave the problem alone, the combo can cause a house fire.

● Structural Damage

The biggest reason to take care of a leaking roof today is that it reduces your chances of experiencing structural damage. As the water comes inside, it often collects in pools and puddles that put undue stress and pressure on your home. You may find that it weakens the studs inside your walls and causes the walls to come down or that it weakens your roof beams and causes the roof to collapse. Excess water can also cause serious damage to your floors. Hardwood floors can bow when exposed to water and even collapse with time.

Repair a Leaking Roof

On top of all of the damage that a leaking roof can do to your home, you also risk hurting yourself. It's easy to run to the bathroom in the middle of the night and slip on a pool of water in your hallway. While you might get lucky and just have a sore back, that slip can cause some serious injuries. You should make sure that you know about all of the damage that a leaking roof can cause to look for signs of a leak before you call a roofing company for help.

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