Your hair is one of the most noticeable parts of your appearance. Hair loss and baldness can deal a severe blow to a person’s confidence levels. Owing to its ability to offer permanent results, Hair Transplant in India has become a popular treatment against hair loss and pattern baldness.

When considering a Hair Transplant in India, the question of the cost automatically comes to mind. The Hair Transplant Cost in India is quite variable and differs from person to person. This article lists out the factors that determine the cost of your procedure.
Factors Influencing Hair Transplant Cost in India
Surgeon’s Experience: The surgeon plays a significant role in ensuring the success of your Hair Transplant. An experienced surgeon who possesses the right technical and artistic skills will charge a higher fee.
Clinic Infrastructure and Facilities: Reputed clinics with superior infrastructure and world-class facilities and amenities will charge a premium rate. Though expensive, these clinics do their best to give you the best hair transplant in India.
The Extent of Baldness: If your baldness is at a higher grade, you will need more hair transplanted to cover the balding spots. The greater the extent of baldness, the higher your cost will be.
Number of Grafts: The cost of Hair Transplants in India largely depends upon the number of grafts required for transplantation. If the number of grafts is higher, the total cost will automatically increase.
Donor Area: If your scalp lacks sufficient healthy donor hair, the surgeon might use facial or body hair for the transplant, which will increase your cost.
Technique Used: There are four major techniques used for hair transplant in India – FUT, FUE, DHR, and Micro Sapphire DHR. The charges are different for every method.
What is the Expected Hair Transplant Cost in India?
Hair Transplant clinics usually charge on a per graft basis. Each graft contains 1 to 4 hair follicles, and the cost varies between Rs. 25 to Rs. 120 per graft on average. The overall package will range from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 or above, depending on the mentioned factors.
As a hair transplant is a significant life-changing decision, you should choose a reputed clinic with highly-qualified surgeons to get superior quality of treatment and care. The right clinic will be able to offer you the Best Hair Transplant in India, ensuring complete satisfaction and natural-looking results. Read More:- Best Hair Transplant Clinic